Unity Through Truth

To learn more about the Christian Emergency League, its Beliefs, Benefits and Members, Click Below.

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Why a New Association?

Why A New Association?

We believe that several problems currently impact leading Protestant and Evangelical denominations.   Pastors, staff members and congregants report looking for fellowship of some sort that holds steadfastly to biblical truth, a commitment to discipleship, teaching and preaching governed by the authority of scripture, and growth agendas influenced by Scripture and not large doners.  These are the things that result in building the Kingdom of God.

We are also concerned about a growing spirit of compromise and fear among churches and pastors who recognize the often unpleasant consequences of taking a biblical stand in the pulpit.  We believe we are called to speak biblical truth into the many socially accepted cultural topics that violate biblical truth.  A watered-down gospel may sound palatable when speaking to elected officials in the public square, but it gives us an easy way out as we violate our commitment to adhere to God’s truth.   When our neighbors, who we are commanded to love, are being led astray by false doctrine, how can we silently stand by in the face of such unloving evil?  Even more, how can we answer to Jesus who risked everything for us?

In summary, we believe there is one universal church established by the Lord Jesus Christ. We reject the idea that the local church is independent of the universal church. While we may agree that the local church has autonomy over its day-to-day affairs, the local church remains a part of the Body of Christ and thus a member of the whole. We believe there is One God, One Church, One Lord, One Baptism. The local church is a member of the Body and should function as a part of the whole. We believe that as a unified part of the whole, we can do more as our Lord intended.

A proposed name for this new association is The Christian Emergency League. This name has a connection with the association of pastors who resisted the tyranny and perversion of the National Socialists (Nazis) in Germany.

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body- Jews or Greeks, slaves or free- and all were made to drink of one Spirit. 14 For the body does not consist of one member but of many.”

- 1 Corinthians 12:12-14