Will The Real Church Please Stand Up!

How Should We Then Live?” is the question the late influential Christian apologist and author Francis Schaeffer set out to address and answer.  In our own day, and especially the last few years, wave after wave of being bombarded by the rise of many false religions and toxic worldviews, has led virtually every Christian to a place of trial to some extent. This has led many to ask where is the real church? Why is she not standing firm under Christ and living by the Word? A silver lining in these trials and through these questions has been that many cowards and the double minded who need to repent, as well as charlatans and wolves have been outed. Praise God for this! Yet many Christians still rightly ask and think about important questions like:

-What happens if the government tries to shut the church down again? What does Romans 13 mean when God says to submit to governing authorities?

-To what extent if any should Christians be involved in the civil realm of politics? What is the separation of church and state and what does it mean for how we as Christians engage and bear witness for Christ in the public square?

-How should I respond to and raise my children in light of the constant over the top in your face celebrations of what God hates and considers perverse and immoral and harmful? Specifically, how should the church respond to Pride Month? 

Lord willing, each of these questions (and more) will be addressed next Thursday, May 16 at 6:30 p.m. at New Hope Community Church in Palatine at the Christian Emergency League Event: Will the Real Church Please Stand Up!” 

You are invited to join us-a few local Chicagoland pastors and other Christians for this important free event Will the Real Church Please Stand Up! 

The topics addressed will be: 

  1. What Happens if the Government tries to Shut the Church down again? – Pastor James Pittman

  2. How Should the Church Respond to Pride Month? – Pastor Brandon Myers

  3. What Really is the Separation of Church and State? – Pastor Calvin Lindstrom

Questions taken and answered at this event!

To listen to a short preview of the topic that will be addressed please click here

The true church of the living God is the pillar and buttress of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15).  All Christians who claim the name of Christ and allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ must understand the times and seek to glorify God according to His Holy Word. As those who live under the Lordship of Christ and have been purchased by His blood and called to be holy as He is holy we cannot stay silent, live in cowardice, or partner with darkness. We must stand as God has called us to (Eph. 6:10-11) and we must do so to the praise of His name and the earthly and eternal good of our neighbors who God has called us to love. 

Join us to be equipped, encouraged, informed, inspired and strengthened in your faith to stand firm Thursday, May 16 @ 6:30 p.m. for Will the Real Church Please Stand Up

To secure your spot at this free event and help us plan please click here and take a few seconds to register.

May God be glorified and His people encouraged to stand to the praise of His name!


Churches and Pride Proclamations, Take 4


Salt and Light